Tuesday 30 April 2013

After our small little fight

After our small little fight

After our small little fight when I move to bed with a broken heart, these words of her makes me smile...

"Hey dear... who's going to give me my good night hug? 
Your mother in-law or my mother in-law?"

...and I lift her up in my arms with all my love...

Suddenly, you came into my world

 Suddenly, you came into my world


Suddenly, you came into my world.
Suddenly, I liked you.
Suddenly, you became the greatest gift of all.
Suddenly, I fell in love with you.
Suddenly, seeing you everyday became my daily routine.
Suddenly, I need you more and more.
Suddenly, you were my everything.
Suddenly, I have so much memories with you.
Suddenly, you were irreplaceable.
Suddenly, I depended on you.
Suddenly, you meant the world to me.
Suddenly, I can't do anything without you.
Suddenly, you became an important part of my life.
Suddenly, I took you for granted.
Suddenly, you stop trying for me.
Suddenly, my world fell apart.
Suddenly, you gave me despair.
Suddenly, I feel lost without you.
Suddenly, you left me, just like that.
Suddenly, it's over.
Suddenly, I would do anything to get you back.
Suddenly, you gave me hope.
Suddenly, I was forsaken.
Suddenly, you became a memory.
Suddenly, I can't face reality.
Suddenly, you seemed like a stranger.
Suddenly, I cried.
Suddenly, you didn't care.
Suddenly, I lost all hopes.
Suddenly, you are gone.

- Unknown



1. When she sees her boyfriend talking to other girls.. and the girl starts flirting...!

2. when her boyfriend n her r txting / instant messaging n the guy doesn't text her / message her back fast enough...!

3. when her boyfriend has the same class as her n he ignores her n hangs out with other friends...!

4. when she sees her boyfriend checking out other girls while she's with him...!

5. when she has to wait outside the movie theaters looking like a loner while she waits for her boyfriend that's 20 minutes late...!

6. when her boyfriend acts like hes going to break up with her... he doesn't even have to act... its a vibe...!

7. when she holds her hand out for her boyfriend to hold, and he just keeps walking...!

8. when her boyfriend acts like he is going to get her something special n he was just suggesting something... so she has to buy it herself...!

9. when her boyfriend doesn't care about her 1 week, 1 month, 1 year anniversary. n every thing in between.. thy r all special to her...!

10. when she tells her boyfriend she loves him. and he says he loves her back, only because he wants to get into her pants..!

So, Guys.. PLEASE don't do any of these... these r the reasons that can make a girl cry... there are more, but these are the some of the most important...!

I remember those days when we were living

I remember those days when we were living

I remember those days when we were living in each others heart..
before I speak any thing 2 U listen that, When Tease u, U cry Dramatically, Then I hug U to make u Smile again..
U Naughtily rub your nose on my shirt, when I noticed U cutely disguised me..

I remember those days when we had a fight & I was down on my knee to say"Sorry"in front of the world, U shyly accepts my apology..

I remember those days when I had not much money in my pocket&u ask me for a gift, I somehow managed the money to buy that gift for u..

I remember those days when I had an accident On the way to meet u, but when I saw u I forget my pain, but when u saw my wound u started crying..

I know the time has passed, U left me behind and moved away.... but m I still standing on that path with a wish in my heart that if the time move backward So that I can see u again at least for once before  my death..

- Unknown

I whispered in her ear

I whispered in her ear

I whispered in her ear:
"Babe, I love you..."

She said: "I love you too..."

She said: "Are you sure?"

I replied: "Yes, I am sure;
I love you more than anything.."

With that,
I got down on the knee,

Pulled out a ring, and said:
"Prove it..."

She smiled and said: "Yes" :)  

Have you ever loved someone Who broke your heart

Have you ever loved someone Who broke your heart

Have you ever loved someone
Who broke your heart
And you stayed with them anyway
Because you couldn't bear to part

Have you ever loved someone
Who is not always there
To love and hold you
And tell you they care

Have you ever tried to move forward
With wounds that won't heal
And pretend things are fine
When so much pain you feel

Have you ever tried to move forward
With a longing to forget
When your mind is telling you
This you will regret

When I'm with you
My heart dissolves the pain
Even though my mind tells me
This relationship is in vain

And still, I cannot bear
To let you go
Because I love you
From head to toe

I'm expressing these feelings
With you today
Because I want this to work
I'm Still Waiting for Ur Love..
And I Will be waiting till my last breath

Every night,I tell myself that I would end it tomorrow.And every morning my heart convinces me that I can give one more day !

P.S. I Love You Till D End !  

A cute story...

A cute story...

A cute story... 

Boy: let’s watch a movie..

Girl: ok what movie??

Boy: a horror movie...

Girl: um.. ok after the movie

Girl: I noticed
you were watching me most of the time

Boy: *laughs*
I watched the movie yesterday..

Girl: what..

Boy: I just wanted to hug you and protect u.  
- Unknown

A guy promised his girlfriend

A guy promised his girlfriend

A guy promised his girlfriend that he will sing
in her 18th birthday.

Her girlfriend was so excited because she
never heard him sing before. Never.
She marked the calendar.

One month before her birthday, her boyfriend
died in a car accident.

She cried and forget everything even her birthday.

She threw away the calendar and stayed at home.

Without any idea of the date, at 12 midnight
as she was sleeping so deeply.

She was awakened by a kiss of a cold wind.

She stood up and heard someone singing a song. 

She was shocked because the song is
their THEME SONG. and later on the cold wind whispered.

Sorry if i'm out of tune babe. Happy Birthday... I Love You..
- Unknown

Monday 29 April 2013

Yes I m Selfish... That's Why I care for You.

Yes I m Selfish...  That's Why I care for You.

Yes I m Selfish...  That's Why I care for You.. 

That's Why I scare to lose You,

That's Why I miss You Every moment..

That's Why I Cry for You in your absence,

That's Why I pray to God for your Happiness... 

That's Why I always Wish That one day You would be mine... 

Yes I m Selfish, because  I Love You.

What is real love..?? Let Me tell YOU

What is real love..?? Let Me tell U

What is real love..?? Let Me tell YOU..

1. Real love is when u lay awake at night and wish that person was lying next to u..

2. Real love is feeling that person move you inside your heart, even if they are one thousand miles

3. Real love is wishing so hard that you could dream about them every night when you go to bed..

4. Real love is when u look at a picture of them and say wow!!

5. Real love is when whatever happens in your day, whatever music you listen to, whatever you read, whatever u imagine, whatever someone says to you, it reminds u of them..

6. Real love is when u have a passion a desire to tell them how much u love them..

7. Real love is when you cry yourself to sleep as they will never be yours..

8. Real love is when there is simply no words to explain how your feeling..

9. Real love is when no matter where you go in life, or whatever happens that one person will always be there, following u like a shadow..

10. Real love is what lasts forever and ever and ever until forever never ever ends!!

Think Positive and LOVE OUR PARTNER

Think Positive and LOVE OUR PARTNER

Think Positive and LOVE OUR PARTNER In any situation !

For The First Time After 18 Years Of Marriage,
She Prepared The Worst Dinner For Her Husband. 
The Vegetables Were Over Cooked, Meat Was Burned And Salad Was Too Salty. 

At The Dinner Table, Her Husband Kept Silent While He Was Eating. After That,
When She Was In Kitchen Washing Dishes He Came To Her, Smile At Her And Kissed Her On Her Forehead. 

Why Is This Kiss For? She Asked Him. Not Believing What He Did. 
Tonight Your Cooking Reminded Me Of Your Cooking In The First Days Of Our Marriage!

It Reminded Me Of Your Cooking As A New Bride,
So I Wanted To Treat You As If You Are A New Bride.

When a GIRL is quiet

When a GIRL is quiet

When a GIRL is quiet, 

Millions of things are running in her mind..

When a GIRL is not  arguing,

She is thinking deeply..

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions,

She is wondering how long you will be around..

When a GIRL answers, "I'm fine" after a few seconds,

She is not at all fine..

When a GIRL stares at you,

She is wondering why you are lying..

When a GIRL lays on your chest,

She is wishing for you to be her's forever..

When a GIRL calls you everyday,

She is seeking for your attention..

When a GIRL sms's u everyday,

She wants you to reply at least once..

When a GIRL says I love you,

She means it..

When a GIRL says that she can't live without you,

She has made up her mind that you are her future..

When a GIRL says, i miss you..,

No one in this world can miss you more than that..



Pencil: I'm sorry.
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry, you get hurt because of me. 
Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. 
But as you make my mistakes vanish, 
you lose a part of yourself and get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true, but I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this, I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong, even though one day I know I'll be gone. I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying I hate seeing you sad. "Our Parents are like the eraser, whereas we children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes.
Sometimes along the way they get hurt and become smaller (older and eventually pass on) Take care of your Parents, treat them with kindness and most especially love them."

Something About Her

Something About Her

Something About Her 

Must Read for Boys n Girls 

Her kiddish talks..

Her serious talks..

Her romantic talks..

Her angry talks..

Her sweet talks..

Her silent talks..

Her sad talks..

Her naughty smile..

Her laughter..

Her sparkling eyes..

Her naughty fights and teasing me....showing attitude..

Her emotional blackmail.....and to please me..

I love all colors of her and her favorite game is to 

play with  colors..

Loving someone doesn't need a reason..

If u can explain why u love someone,its called'Liking'..

If u cannot explain, its simply called 'Love'!! 

A middle class boy asks His high class Girlfriend

A middle class boy asks His high class Girlfriend :

"If i go very poor,will you Accept me?"

Girl hugs him and says I am always with you..

Boy: If a very rich boy Proposes you ? 

Girl kis.sed the boy and says. "I am sure that would be you"

Need Your Heart to Love Mine

Need Your Heart to Love Mine

Need Your Heart to Love Mine, 
I Need Your Soul To Mate with Mine, 
I Need Your Eyes To Look into Mine, 
I need You to know That I am Yours and you are Mine   & Only Mine..
- Unknown -


I AM BAD in ENGLISH BUT  i can tell you that I LOVE YOU..

i can tell you that I LOVE YOU..

i can tell you that you LIVE in my HEART..

I can REMEMBER when i FIRST saw you..

I can tell WHATS the REACTION when you SMILE.. 

I can tell the INTENSITY of SPARK of my EYES when they SEE you.. 

I am BAD in every SUBJECT BUT 
I can TELL ALL.. I will PASS all SUBJECTS if the TOPIC is YOU... 

I May Not Always Contact You

I May Not Always Contact You, 

But Our Distance Makes Me Miss You. 

I May Not Always Stay In Touch, 

But I Care For You Very Much.

I May Not Always Say Hi,

But I Hope Never To Say Good Bye I 

May Not Prove To Be The"Perfect One for you"

But I Hope MY LOVE, Never Fades to An END.

- Unknown

Friday 12 April 2013

You are my ground and you are my rainbow

You are my ground and you are my rainbow

You are my ground and you are my rainbow. You are my butterfly and you are my ecstasy. You are the start of my journeys and always my destination. You are my home – the place to which I always return.
- Unknown

I promise to be there when you need me

I promise to be there when you need me

I promise to be there when you need me, I promise to hug you tight when you’re lonely, I promise to wipe your tears when they fall and I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life but for the rest of yours because you are my everything.
- Unknown

I don't regret the rain or the nights

I don't regret the rain or the nights

I don't regret the rain or the nights I felt the pain or the tears I had to cry some of those times along the way. For every road I had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something I had to do to get me to you.
- Unknown

Wednesday 10 April 2013

A true great love bears the pain and longitude of waiting

A true great love bears the pain and longitude of waiting

A true great love bears the pain and longitude of waiting, 
even if it takes forever.
When confused about love, follow your heart.
It may not always right but you will have the memories to 
make you smile.
If your hearts tells you one thing, and then tells you another 
one that you need to decide,
You should think first whether you have a better head or a bigger heart.

It’s okay to kiss a fool or let a fool kiss you,
But never let a kiss fool you.
Don’t find love, let love found you.
That’s the reason why it’s called “Falling In love”.
Because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall.

Never be ashamed to show love when you feel it,
Because someday you may realize that love is already 
afraid to show it to you.
Girls are like angels, they easily give and forgive.
Men are like devils, they easily get and forget.
To love someone is to have courage to walk away,
And to let go the other one who wishes to be free, no matter 
how much it hurts.

Never say I Love You when you don’t even care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a heart if you mean to break it.
Never look into the eyes if all you have to say is a lie; and
Never say hello if you mean goodbye.

Love is like a butterfly,
The more you chase it, the more it eludes.
But if you let it fly, it would come to you,
The least you expect it.
Learn to wait love to come into your life.
- Unknown

I have died everyday Waiting for you

I have died everyday Waiting for you

I have died everyday Waiting for you Darling’ don’t be afraid,
I have loved you for a Thousand years
I’ll love you for a Thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought Your heart to me
I have loved you for a Thousand years
I’ll love you for a Thousand more

- Unknown

I do believe in the saying that actions speak

I do believe in the saying that actions speak

I do believe in the saying that actions speak louder than words cause words without actions are empty but somehow actions without words are also confusing. So we need both of them.
- Unknown

The worst thing I've ever done in my life was loving

The worst thing I've ever done in my life was loving

The worst thing I've ever done in my life was loving you no matter how far we are with each other but i don’t think it’ll lead us to nothing unless we’ll do it together to both have each other,someday.
- Unknown

Love hurts when god knows you deserve someone

Love hurts when god knows you deserve someone

People have different views in love, Whatever it may be, there's only a single truth behind everyone’s heartache..
“Love hurts when god knows you deserve someone”

- Unknown

Being single doesn't mean your available

Being single doesn't mean your available

Being single doesn't mean your available, in my case, i am single but not available. because i am in love. someone whom i am waiting to come!
- Unknown

When I hear your voice I am home ward bound

When I hear your voice I am home ward bound

When I hear your voice I am home ward bound.
When I feel your touch, I am safe and sound.
When you call my name,I know your close.
When I shed a tear, I feel you do too.
Call me I will come.
Hold out your hand I will take it.
I will hold you near and never let you go.
I have you safe in my arms forever.
One heart beats for two.
One soul joined forever.
One bond to hold us together.
Forever and always.
- Unknown

This is a story of me and my best friend

This is a story of me and my best friend

This is a story of me and my best friend, John. We were complete strangers, until a conversation about shoes brought me to him. We were best friends for 3 years, until 1 day, he ignored me the whole day. He never told me why, but I never heard him speak a word to me again. To this day, I still see him and wonder if he ever loved me. One day, I got my answer. John spoke to me for the first time in a year and said, ” Okay. I can’t do it anymore. I love you Jasmine. I do. Don’t let me live another day without you. Forgive me, i just wanted you to be happy.” That was the day I got engaged.
~ Unknown