Wednesday 12 June 2013

I wish i knew what it meant before

Oh i wish i knew what it meant before i met you
Those unrealistic movies that hovered in my mind
Those beautiful thoughts i pondered !
got love struck !
Before i could just help my self to get u outta my mind
I failed
I failed in every single way to express you what you meant
It hurts so badly just makes me numb
Those wounds never seem to heal
When You crave for that one person day and night but you can hardly meet him ,get him
Its tough trying to get over things
makes u feel sadder
When you know he never had it for you
The idea it self burns me from within
But its fine now as i stare the sky
Hoping you reach right there up high
With ambitions you had
and with the love you deserve
It is still beautifull , its sublime to think about you
The mare feeling of you being around brought me goosebumps
I am happy that your happy with a brighter today with a hand you always wanted to hold
So dont let her go ...
I wish you and everyone the courage to tell, to express how much you love someone
Before its too late to realise !
Because i love you ...

I love you always and beyond