Sunday 28 July 2013

Locked up tight.. Like I would never feel again

Locked up tight.. Like I would never feel again

Locked up tight.. Like I would never
feel again..
Stuck in some kinda love prison..
And threw away the key.
Until I stared into your eyes..
Made me start to realize.. The
I'm gonna love you like I've never
been broken..
I'm gonna say it like it's never been

Don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.

Don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.

Just read this, it will make a difference.

If only everyone could see this and understand it.

When she stares at your mouth
- her

When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb ass cuz she thinks shes stronger than you
- Grab her and don't let go

When she starts cursing at you tryin to act all tuff
- Kiss her and tell her you love her

When she's quiet
- Ask her what's wrong

When she ignores you
- Give her your attention

When she pulls away
- Pull her back

When you see her at her worst
- Tell her she's beautiful

When you see her start crying
- Just hold her and don't say a word

When she teases you
- Tease her back and make her laugh

When she doesn't answer for a long time
- Reassure her that everything is okay

When she says that she loves you
- She really does more than you could understand!!

When she grabs at your hands
- Hold her's and play with her fingers

When she says to leave
- She still wants you with hers

If you had someone on your mind this whole time, while reading this, it means he/ she is your love ???

When i said can i bend on my knee's, You said please do it fast

When i said can i bend on my knee's, You said please do it fast

"When i said can i bend on my knee's,
You said please do it fast,
when i said i love you,
you said why you made me wait for so many hour's,
When i said i want to creep into your heart,
you said come on get in fast,
When i said i would love to kiss you,
You said i want the scars,
When i said i'm only yours,
You said come & burry in ma arms,
When i said i don't wana loose you,
you said that can never be your past,
After few years,
Time flew&changed as we know its not ours,
When i said i don't want a break up,
You said can't you give me what i asked for,
When i said please try to understand,
You said please free me from the past,
When i said i'm helpless,
you said sorry for past,
When i said good bye,
You said can we be friends for rest of hour's,
When i said lovers can't be friends,
you said i know but i need you for spending rest of hour's,
When i said i'm sorry for being a part of your past,
You said this was our destiny which have teared us apart....!!!

No body luvz .. She missed Him Everyday.

No body luvz .. She missed Him Everyday.

No bdy luvz ..
She missed Him Everyday..
He never missed Her..
She Continues Called Him..
He Was Never Interested To Talk With Her..
She Always Texts Him..
He Never Replied..
She was trying to be Strong..
He Loved to Destroy Her...
She just wanted a Chance..
He Laughed on her Face..
She wondered What
He Never Really Cared..
She finally Moved On...
He Missed Her being There...
Guys Try To Understand Her Feelings..
She Wants Only U.. Ur Time And Your Loyalty.

You're the first thing I think of Each morning when I rise

You're the first thing I think of Each morning when I rise

You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise.
You're the last thing I think of
Each night when I close my eyes.
You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take.
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move I make.
I want to prove I love you
But that's the hardest part
So, I'm giving all I have to give To you.

Boy and Girl had a Fight. Next day They Met in a Park

Boy and Girl had a Fight. Next day They Met in a Park

Boy and Girl had a
Fight. Next day They
Met in a Park.....
Boy – do you love me?
Girl – who are you, and
why are you talking to me?
Boy – do you love me?
Girl – no.
Boy – do you love me?
Girl – I said no.
Boy – I was just confirming
actually your
friend just asked me to
go out on a date.
Girl – you !! I love you, I
love you more than
anything in my life, I love you so
much you
stupid. (girl started
Boy - hey! Hey! Don’t cry
I was just kidding. I love
you too. (boy hugged her and
kissed on her

Don't Cry because someone is falling in love with Your eyes

Don't Cry
because someone is falling in love with Your eyes
Don't Scream
because someone is falling in love with Your voice
Don't Frown
because someone is falling in love with Your smile
Don't Hide
Because someone out there is looking for You..!!!???

A Touchy Love Story

A boy was tired of girlfriend`s msgs which always said: i love u
i miss u
One night he received a message from her but didn't read it...!!
instead he slept
Next day he got a call from his girlfriend`s mom who said: that her daughter had a car accident & died last night...!!
He then read the message  n which it was written: Dear please come in front of your house...!!
i met with an accident & its my last wish to see u please ....!!
Friends never ignore anything in life

A woman who loves you truly will never ask you to buy her

Dear Men,
A woman who loves you truly will
never ask you to buy her
expensive gifts or take her to
expensive places...
She won’t ask for diamonds, rubies or a promise to bring her a
world of luxuries...
She just wants
your love, care and attention. She
wants you to spend a lot of quality time with her and appreciate her for all that she
does for you out of love and
affection. Every woman is unique
in her own way...
Value her... ???



1 When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do anything.

2 When a Boy cries because he still Loves youor misses you.

3 When a Boy still tries to get you Back.

4 When a Boy no matter how much you hurt him still Loves you.

5 When a Boy stops his Argument with his Girl to save his Relationship.

6 When a Boy continuously makes U feel special & Tries to make U Happy.

7 When a Boy is Upset but doesn't tell you as He thinks He is annoying you.

8 When a Boy wants to Leave you, because of your Rude behavior, but He is Not able to do. Girls! Don't lose such a boy because such boys are hard to find...

An insecure girl nervously asks


An insecure girl nervously asks
her guy to describe her in one word.!

She silently prays that he would
say something nice like.
Sweet, Cute, Beautiful, etc.

The guy looks up,
meets her eyes and with a half crooked
smile says…

Saturday 20 July 2013

Because My Love 4 U Is So True

Because My Love 4 U Is So True,
So Unconditional.. .!!!

I never force you to love me,
I never flirt with someone to
make you angry,

I never warn you to do not
speak with others,

I never say don't do the thing you want,

You are like a bird for me,

free to fly away anywhere
you want to go,

Only thing you must to know
wherever you go or whatever you do,

When you decide to come back & feel you need me.....

Just remember... !!!

I'm always here for you to
give you Oceans of Love,


I really hate the word


I really hate the word.
But maybe,
almost every people
would experience goodbyes.

Because life is a long road. You meet people,
some can leave a distinct mark,
some would just be gone with the wind.
Some would love you,
and love you until the end, but
some would love you,
then all of the sudden, leave you behind.
But at the end of the road, you would be with the
people who never left you
behind till the end.

There was a girl and a boy

There was a girl and a boy.
girl proposed the boy and boy
girl always used to say that my heart
is not mine its always with you.
& I am living without heart.

after few months girl said that I cant marry you
because my parents are not allowing me, so
we'll be friends forever.
After few months girl got married to another boy..
After 2 days of her wedding, girl
looking her wedding gifts.
She came across a gift & start crying
the gift was the heart packed in a
glass jar with full of blood.
the lid of the jar was attached with the
paper written on it.
''hey stupid ur heart is with me na than
what will you
give to your husband.

Once , I just Asked My Parents

Once , I just Asked My Parents,
Who 'm I ?
You are My Child....

Once , I just Asked My Brother 'n Sister,
Who 'm I ?
You are My Brother...

Once , I just Asked to My
Who 'm I ?
You are My Friend...

Once , I just Asked to Other,
Who 'm I ?
You are Stranger...

Once , I just Asked to God,
Who 'm I ?
You are My Art...

But that was not My Answer...
I wanna hear something else!!

Suddenly I 'm shocked when
someone Call me..
I Just Asked to Her...
Who Are You ?
SHe told me...,,
I 'm Your Dream,
I 'm Your Life,
I 'm Your Everything,
I 'm Your Real love....
This is me...
'coz I wanna to here only just
"You Are My Love".. !

But Nobody Tell Me This.. !!

Everytime I see a couple holding hands

Everytime I see a couple
holding hands or just plainly
sitting together.

I miss those moments which I have spent with you

Is it love or just a memory being revived???

I don't Know!!!
Whatever it is.
but I know only one thing.
Close together or far apart.
You will be always in my heart

I am trying to be happy wearing a smile

I am trying to be happy wearing a smile;

But its too painful inside.

Everywhere I go I see Your face,

and realize how much I miss You;

but I still know you can never be mine again.

Forget the times he walked by

Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,

Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.

Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,

Forget the times & don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend.

I Know Your Life Can Go On Without Me

I Know Your Life Can Go On Without Me,
That You Can Be Happy Without Me,
That You Can Survive Without Me,
But Even If You Turn Me Away,
I Will Still Choose To Stay With You,
Be Your Sweetest Stranger Forever

Some People Are So Lucky That

Some People Are So Lucky That

Some People Are So Lucky That
Even After Hurting,
They Get So Much Love
& Some Are So Unlucky That
Even After giving So Much Love,
They Always Get Hurt

If A Boy Cries For A Girl

If A Boy Cries For A Girl,
That Doesn't Mean He Is Stupid,

If A Boy Cant Move On To Another Girl,
That Doesn't Mean He Is Stubborn

If A Boy Gets Depressed For ‘one Girl’,
That Doesn't Mean He Is A Loser

If A Boy Always Dreams About Only ‘one Girl’,
That Doesn't Mean He’s Just Got Addicted To Her

If A Boy Is Obsessed For One Girl,
That Doesn't Mean He Cant Be With Any Other Girl

If A Boy Is Crazy For One Girl,
That Doesn't Mean He Has Lost His Mind.

All That Means Is,
He Loves That Girl So Much
That He Cant Love Any Other Girl In The Same Way.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Sometimes I Need A Girlfriend

Sometimes I Need A Girlfriend

Sometimes I Need A Girlfriend,
Not Because I Feel So Lonely Without Her
Its Just because I Want To Care About
That Special Someone ?

Someone Whom I Can Say Mine ??? And
Know That I Make Somebody Happy
& I Am The Reason For Her Smile

Knowing That You’re The Reason
Somebody Is Happy Because Of You
Is Such A Great Feeling ???

The Best And Most Beautiful Things
In The World Cannot Be Seen Or Even Touched
They Must Be Felt With The Heart ???

People say.. When you are in love

People say..
When you are in love,
every thing seems
I say When u r truly in love,
U can't find anything
more beautiful
than your love..

A true friend doesn't care if your rich or poor

A True Friend.

A true friend doesn't care if your rich or poor, if your being an @ss,
what you weigh, what you look like, if your house is a mess,
what car you drive or if you have a family of crazy people..!

Your conversations will pick up where they left off, even if
months have passed by. They will be there for you when you
need them the most and despite your faults, will love you with
all their heart and cherish the times spent with you..!

From A Boy's Diary.

From A Boy's Diary...
“An Ending Of Never Began Love Story”

When I was a Kid, I fell from above,
But I Escaped Myself from Falling in Love.

When People around Me were Lost in Love,
I was Living Happily with My Friends in my Own World.

But when I Saw this Cruel World,
I Made the Wall around My Heart
And Decided, Not to fall in Love.

I used to avoid Good Girls around Me,
Just ‘cause of the Fear of Falling for Them.

I Started Living in My Dream World,
And kept Waiting for My Princess to Come.

But when I Found You,
You Resembled Me the Princess of My Dream.

I Tried to Avoid U as I Avoid Others Girls,
But I Failed in My Every Attempt.

I Became Happy and Thought that My Dream Came True, Whenever I Saw You

This is How I Fell for U.

I Loved U More than Anyone Else,
But Unfortunately U Don’t Love Me.

In My Mind I know You’ll Never Be Back,

But Still Waiting For U Keeping Hope in 
My Heart You’ll Ever Be Back ???

When You Meet Someone Special

When You Meet Someone Special
You'll Know
Your Heart will Beat More Rapidly
You'll Smile For No Reason

For U My Sweet Angel I would Die

For U My Sweet Angel I would Die
I'd Pick all the Stars from the Sky

And Give them all Just for U
To let You know How Much I love You

My Angel I'll Love You Thru all Eternity
I would do Anything for You Sweetie

I Wrote This Poem from My Heart
To let You know Your My Sweetheart

Please Stay with ME Forever
Take My Hand and Lets Be Together

Lets fly Up to The Heavens Above
And Show Everyone WE R in Love ???

A Cute Definition of LoVe

A Cute Definition of LoVe

A Cute Definition of LoVe.

For a Boy - It is that Stupid Nervousness that He has Before
Proposing a Girl whom He LoVes Truly

For a Girl - It it that Excitement of Standing Before
that Nervous Guy . . 

A Short n True Silence Message

A Short n True Silence Message

A Short n True Silence Message.

“I Care, But in MY Heart and not
in My Words”

“I Anger But in MY Words and
not MY in Heart”…!

Break my HEART Destroy my SOUL

Break my HEART Destroy my SOUL
and leave me CRYING
I'd still LOVE You
I won't Expect you to LOVE me in Return ?

I Deserve to be Happy

I Deserve to be Happy
Not in the Arms of Someone
who Keeps Me Waiting
In the Arms of the One

Who Will

Take Me Now
Love Me Forever
Leave Me Never ?

Friendship and Love are Medicine

Friendship and Love are Medicine
for any kind of Pain
be sure that there is No Medicine
in the World
for Pain given by Love and Friendship ???

Thursday 4 July 2013

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love

One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love.

But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy.

So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand.

But there was another problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” She wiped a tear, said yes, and they were engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married.

But tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular accident. It was a head-on collision.

When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew there was something wrong.

She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged. Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw herself in the mirror. “Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds.

Right there and then, she decided to release her fiancĂ© from their promise. She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never see him again.

For one year, the soldier wrote many letters—but she wouldn’t answer. He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return her calls.

But after one year, the mother walked into her room and announced, “He’s back from the war.”

The girl shouted, “No! Please don’t tell him about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!”

The mother said, “He’s getting married,” and handed her a wedding invitation.

The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him—but she had to forget him now.

With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation.

And then she saw her name on it!

Confused, she asked, “What is this?”

That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. He knelt beside her and asked, “Will you marry me?”

The girl covered her face with her hands and said, “I’m ugly!”

The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has changed. You’re still the person I fell in love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you!”

I love you, she whispered

I love you,’ she whispered staring out the window seeing the roofs nothing but still brick houses.
She knows he cant hear her, but she says it most days always staring out of the window, seeing nothing but mist of every grey morning.
She has just reached her 25th birthday, but all that was on her mind is she is not there, she is nothing to say happy birthday, to kill her on her lips to wrap her arms around her neck & pull her tight.
She has never known her heart to light, to be like air , never hearing it no never feeling.
Her heart is it stone heavy, the grief overtakes her on most days, people look at her with sad eyes, as she sitting the corner of the libiry staring out of the grey mist morning,. She doesn’t even put on a pretend smile, what the worth of a smile when you don’t mind it, she thinks, why should I pretend that I’m okay. So everyone else wont feel bad.
Her hair is now cut short, just below the jaw line, thinking somehow it will change everything, that I knew haircut will change something in this mud & stone life that Rita Lenworth has. That all that long brown hair had been dragging you down.
That she buys new clothes will do the same.
But it doesn’t change one single second of her existence.
Nothing changes in Rita life, the mundane life she leads it nothing but empty space. That she is clogging up, her shoulders her sagging as she slumps over books & books. Her brown eyes reading two pages at one time, she comes in mostly every morning, simply because she hasn’t enough book at home.
Cause it better than being her in land of the living than being in those four off pale white walls filled with stuff that she has seen time over again.
To a passer-by you might see her as in mourning In her black clothes that cover mostly every inch of wobbly flesh, her face turned away from public view, she barely raises her eyes as some one would when their come through the doors off this turn of the century liberty. But Rita doesn’t cause she knows know one is coming in for her, to look for her too speak to her, because there is just one soul who knows her.
But again as she look out of the small window she sit at every day, she looks at the mountains, seeing the grey mist sitting nicely on top, she knows she will say the words in a tiny whisper of a voice.
I love you.
Its closing time now & before they can push everyone out, she buttons her cold black coat all the way up to her chin & walks out into the cold stale air. Quarter past four time to catch the bus to the four walls & everything she hates.
Every organ is begging her not to go home, why go back there. There’s only one answer , there is no where else to go.
She walked back to her one bedroom flat in the small village & goes walks as always with her head down & her hands in her pockets watching her every time 100 steps towards her front door, she is never wrong.
She climbs up to her eight floor flat & opens the door. There it is welcoming her home with open arms & a huge big smile.
Taking her coat off she sees as always where everything is exactly where she left it.
Nothing ever changes, nothing ever would. She walks into her living room where the there the T.V one chair & one small brown table in the middle of the room, there are no pictures of loved ones, no small little quirky knick knacks. There four empty walls. She sits at the table & stares at the wall in front of her.
Rita doesn't even weep anymore, she doesn’t think she can honestly there is nothing left inside the stone heavy heart, she feels the day melt on her face as darkness approaches.
She turns out the window looks at the distance as the only words she ever says.
I love you.
Are you wondering yet why she says that, why that’s the only thing she every says.
Because Rita is in love & far away she is.
Rita doesn’t know where, dead or alive happy or sad. She doesn't know why she is, or how she is.
She just knows that once she was truly in love with someone that is not beside her anymore.
She doesn’t have a photo a number to call or an address she can mail the countless letter she has piled up on her bedside table.
All she knows that love once came & now its cruelly gone.
I love you that all she says day after day night after night before she sleeps after she wakes where she looks out of the window.
Because truly Rita is in love, because one day she was happy one day she was complete, one day she was vibrated an alive.
Now she is just waiting to die, waiting for the whole world to fall, this whole place to burn .
She now gets up & strips naked not caring to look at her body, she climbs into bed & wraps herself in a tiny ball & waits to fall asleep, waiting for her to come to her & dream.
& she doesn't like clockwork she comes & everything is good & everything is alive.
The doctors call her disorder & clinical depression. That everything she thinks, she feels she loves she hates is 100 times more that what you feel in a single hour of your life.
So where doesn't this story go, doesn't the woman come back to her does she take her away & they be happy like so many fairy tales end.
Rita is alone with the simplest of memories of being in love. She dies alone & get buried alone with only a few kind words from the vicar to god.

A Sad Love Story telling us not to be afraid of expressing our Feelings

A Sad Love Story telling us not to be afraid of expressing our Feelings.

I have a boyfriend who grew up with me. His name is Jin. I always thought of him as a friend until last year, when we went to a trip from a club. I found that I fell in love with him. Before the trip was over, I took a step and confessed my love for him. And soon, we became a pair o lovers, but we loved each other in different ways. I always concentrated on him only, but b his side, there were so many other girls. To me, he was the only one, but to him, maybe I was just another girl…

“Jin, do you want to go watch a movie?” I asked.“I can’t”
“Why? You need to study at home?” I felt disappointment grabbing me.
“No… I am going to meet a friend…

He was always like that. He met girls in front of me, like it was nothing. To him, I was just a girlfriend. The word ‘love’ only came out from my mouth. Since I knew him, I had never heard him say ‘I love you’ before. To us, there weren’t any anniversaries at all. He didn’t say anything from the first day and it continued till 100 days…200days… Everyday, before we say goodbye, he would just hand me a doll, everyday, without fail. I don’t know why…

Then one day…
Me: Um, Jin, I …
Jin: What…don’t drag, just say..
Me: I love you.
Jin: ……you….um, just take this doll and go home.
That was how he ignored my ‘three words’ and handed me the doll. Then he disappeared, like he was running away. The dolls I received from him everyday, filled my room, one by one. There were many…

Then one day came, my 15th year old birthday. When I got up in the morning, I pictured a party with him, and stranded myself in my room, waiting for his call. But… lunch passed, dinner passed… and soon the sky was dark… he still didn’t call. It was already tiring to look at the phone anymore. Then around 2am in the morning, he suddenly called me and woke me from my sleep. He told me to come out of the house. Still, I felt joy and I ran out happily.

Me: Jin…
Jin: Here…take this…
Again, he handed me a little doll.
Me: What’s this?
Jin: I didn’t give it to you yesterday, so I am giving it to you now. I’m going home now, bye.
Me: Wait, wait! Do you know what today is?
Jin: Today? Huh?
I felt so sad, I thought he would remember my birthday. He turned around and walked away like nothing had happen. Then I shouted… “Wait…”
Jin: You have something to say?
Me: Tell me, tell me you love me…
Jin: What?!
Me: Tell me

I put my pathetic self behind and clung on to him. But he just said simple cold words and left.
“I don’t want to say…that I love someone so easily, if you are desperate to hear it, then find someone else.”
That was what he said. Then he ran off. My legs felt numb… and I collapsed to the ground. He didn’t want to say it easily… How could he…. I felt that… Maybe he is not the right guy for me…
After that day, I stranded myself at home crying, just crying. He didn’t call me, although I was waiting. He just continued handing me a little doll every morning outside my house. That’s how those dolls piled up in my room… everyday
After a month, I got myself together and went to school. But what made the pain resurface was that… I saw him on a street… with another girl… He had a smile on his face, one that he never showed me…as he touched the doll… I ran straight back home and looked at the dolls in my room, and tears fell… Why did he gave these to me… Those dolls are probably picked out by some other girls…In a fit of anger, I threw the dolls around. Then suddenly, the phone rang. It was him. He told me to come out to the bus stop outside my house. I tried to calm myself down and walked to the bus stop. I kept reminding myself that I am going to forget him, that… it’s going to end. Then he came into my sight, holding a big doll.
Jin: Jo, I thought you were pissed, you really came?
I couldn’t help hating him, acting like nothing had happen and joking around. Soon, he held out the doll as usual…
Me: I don’t need it.
Jin: What….why…
I grabbed the doll from his hands and threw it on the road.
Me: I don’t need this doll, I don’t need it anymore!! I don’t want to see a person like you again!
I spitted out all the words that were inside me. But unlike other days, his eyes very shaking.
“I’m sorry” He apologized in a tiny voice. He then walked over to the road to pick up the doll…
Me: You stupid! Why are you picking up the doll?! Just throw it away!!!

But he ignored me and just went to pick the doll. Then…

Honk~ Honk~
With a loud honk, a big truck was heading towards him.
“Jin! Move! Move away!” I shouted… But he didn’t hear me, he squatted down and picked up the doll.
“Jin, move!” HONK~!! “Boom!” That sound, so terrifying.
That’s how he went away from me. That’s how he went away without even opening his eyes to say one word to me.
After that day, I had to go through everyday with guiltiness and the sadness of losing him… And after spending two months like a crazy person… I took out the dolls.
Those were the only gifts he left me since the day we started going out. I remembered the days I spent with him and started to count the days… when we were in love…

“One…two… three…” That was how… I started to count the dolls…
“Four hundred and eighty four… four hundred and eighty five…” It all ended with 485 dolls.
I then started to cry again, with a doll in my arms. I hugged it tightly, then suddenly…

“I love you~, I love you~” I dropped the dolls, shocked.

“I……you??” I picked up the dolls and pressed its stomach.

“I love you~ I love you~” It can’t be! I pressed all the dolls’ stomach as it piled on the side.
“I love you~”
“I love you~”
“I love you~”
Those words came out non-stop. I…love you… Why didn’t I realize that….That his heart was always by my side, protecting me. Why didn’t I realize that he love me this much… I took out the doll under the bed and pressed it’s stomach, that was the last doll, the one that fell on the road. It had his blood stain on it. The voice came out, the on that I was missing so much.

“Jo…Do you know what today is? We’ve been loving each other for 486 days. Do you know what 486 is? I couldn’t say I love you…. Um… since I was too shy… If you forgive me and take this doll, I will say that I love you… everyday… till I die… Jo… I love you…”

The tears came flowing out of me. Why? Why? I asked god, why do I only know about all this now? He can’t be by my side, but he loved me until his last minute…

For that… and for that reason… to me… it became courage… to live a beautiful life….